About Us

Fairfield is a unique school, greatly valued by its community. Our students have high aspirations - and so do we! Our staff and parents are committed to working together to make sure our young people's dreams come true. FHS is an exceptional school. In the letter, following our “Good” Ofsted in November 2017, the lead inspector noted that our school was “very harmonious and inclusive” and that students were “intellectually curious” and since then we have taken several steps closer to being judged Outstanding in all areas.

We joined the Excalibur Academies Trust in February 2015 and we were excited by the opportunities this brings to share expertise and ideas for the benefit of our students. We support all our students to realise their academic potential, while also helping them to develop and grow as people.

Our school is in the top 15 per cent in England for Value-Added GCSE results and an increasing number of families are choosing Fairfield High School for their children - our first-preference applications have rocketed.

Excalibur Academies Trust

A family of schools achieving excellence and empowering individuality

The Excalibur Academies Trust is a family of schools with a community commitment to educational excellence, that prepares students for success in changing world through the promoting of tolerance, curiosity, independence and respect.

Our Mission

To develop highly capable, confident and independent learners who are well prepared to meet the opportunities and challenges presented by a global community, by delivering a coherent, seamless approach to teaching and learning from early years to adulthood.

Our Vision and Culture

Through astute and purposeful leadership, Excalibur Academies Trust is totally committed to delivering the highest standards of teaching and learning for pupils aged between 3 to 19 years.

Our vision will be realised, where possible, through the strong regional clusters of primary academies allied to a local secondary academy, who through collaborative partnership will deliver an educational experience of outstanding quality for all children wthin the reach of the academies.

The foundation stone of our culture is our community of schools, where knowledge sharing, collaboration, partnership and contribution and teamship form the core pillars.

We carefully cultivate an environment that is in international in its outlook, and which encourages independent learners whose individual potential can be realised. With the delivery of educational excellence as the prime commitment to our pupils, we also pay close attention to ensuring the morals, standards of ethical behaviour, good values and respect for one another are firmly embedded in the ethos of all our partner schools.

Our Values

  • We are attentive to the fostering and maintaining of a happy environment for all, from pupils, to parents and members of staff, where resilience is encouraged, creativity applauded and success warmly celebrated.
  • Our decision making and subsequent actions are governed by high standards of ethical practice, with integrity, global citizenship, moral leadership, openness and trust acting as the key hallmarks
  • We seek to cultivate an international outlook and culture of respect for all that embraces equality, tolerance, understanding, listening and awareness.

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Current openings

  • Job Title

    ICT Technician

  • Location

    Horfield, Bristol

  • Posted

    28th February 2025

  • Salary

    £25,584 - £26,409

  • Hours

    Full Time

  • Description

    Fairfield High School is looking for a skilled and enthusiastic IT Technician to play a key role in the development of the school's ICT systems and infrastructure during an exciti ...

  • Job Title

    Higher Level Learning Support Worker

  • Location

    Horfield, Bristol

  • Posted

    30th January 2025

  • Salary

    £18,354 - £19,627

  • Hours

    Part Time

  • Description

    Fairfield High School is seeking to recruit a Higher Level Learning Support Worker for 32.5 hours per week, term time only plus 5 additional days. This is a fixed term contract un ...

Working For Us

If you're searching for your next post, why not contact us now? You'll be working at a great school and be part of a friendly, helpful team. We're always interested to hear from enthusiastic, committed teachers - send us your CV now via our School Talent Pool and say what sort of role you're looking for. By joining our School Talent Pool we'll know you're interested in working here when a future vacancy occurs.

Talent Pool

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Allfoxton Road, Horfield

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CB24 4RS